Still fiddling on the roof

This week Shtetl-Optimized celebrates its one-year anniversary!

That being the case, in the remainder of this post I thought it would be a good idea to take stock of everything this blog has achieved over the past year, and also to set concrete goals for the coming year.

10 Responses to “Still fiddling on the roof”

  1. Cheshire Cat Says:

    Why not be ambitious? More white space…

  2. Scott Says:


  3. Anonymous Says:

    Why not be even more ambitious? Even more white space…

  4. John Sidles Says:

    Sincerely, Scott, thanks for running a great blog. It provides a fun and wonderful forum for so many people … and we all recognize that its a lot of work.

    Facetiously, I at least worry that eventually you’ll wise-up and start writing information theoretic mysteries and technothrillers instead of blogging (this would probably be a lot more lucrative on a per-hour basis)!

  5. wolfgang Says:


    I assume the white space is a subtle reminder [*] of the one blog entry which truly stands out …

    [*} white space – > white teeth

  6. Anonymous Says:

    [*] white space – > white teeth

    Indeed. The biting vagina. How can we ever forget? I hope hiring committees forget about it, though 🙂

  7. John Sidles Says:

    Well, I can scarcely believe that after two days, there are no serious replies to Scott’s request for concrete goals.

    I have one concrete goal to suggest, and it’s a big one (we will call it “Shtetl-esque”)

    I would like to see some discussion of the social roles of information theory in the context of the present (extremely vigorous) rethinking of the enlightenment.

    IMHO, it’s a cop-out to say that “information theory has no social roles.” It is becoming clear that even the most abstract theorems of information theory have broad resonance for ordinary human existence.

    Information theory, in other words, is destined to impact pretty much every aspect of 21st Century science and technology, and surely, this impact will not be least in our understanding of topics like economics, altruism, equity, and civilization-building.

    Indeed, information theory is already revolutionizing our understanding of economics, and this revolution has only just begun.

  8. John Sidles Says:

    Oh yeah, also I would love to see at least one Scott post on “quantum sudoku algorithms” Because, even classical sudoku is too hard for me! 🙂

    Surprisingly, the phrase “quantum sudoku” does not appear on the Arxiv server. This is odd, because Minesweeper is NP-Complete … which establishes ample precedent for studying popular games.

  9. HN Says:

    Scott, thanks for taking the time to write a highly entertaining blog.

  10. Bram Cohen Says:

    John, generalized sudoku has been demonstrated to be NP-complete as well.